An MEA is an optional Money-Earning Activity. MEAs chosen should have program value for girls that are consistent with the Program Standards and Council policies on money-earning. A completed MEA application must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the activity.
All Safety Activity Checkpoints and Council policies and guidelines must be followed. You can find more information about MEAs in the Troop Finances section of Volunteer Essentials.
A money-earning activity must meet the following criteria:
- Be a valuable program activity for girls that will generate additional funds for a planned activity or event that uses teamwork to achieve troop goals;
- Be suited to ages/abilities of the girls and be consistent with goals/principles of the Girl Scout Program;
- Be a girl activity -- planned, generated, produced, and performed by girls.
- Girl Scout Daisies may not hold MEAs.
- Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors, Juliettes (Independently Registered Girls), and/or Gold/Silver Award applicants may hold MEAs. (Gold Award MEA applications must be approved by the Gold Award Liaison and the Girl Experience Department).
- All troop/group members must be registered GSUSA members and have the Annual Consent Form signed by a parent/guardian for each girl to participate in the MEA.
- Every troop must follow "program progression" for trips and must submit a Troop Trip Application for extended trips, if applicable.
- The troop/group must have the prior year's Year-End Financial Report submitted through the VTK (unless it's a new troop).
- A troop must have participated in both Council-sponsored product sales (Treats and Reads and Cookies). If the programs have not occurred yet in the current membership year, the prior year's participation is required (unless it's a new troop).
- Troops must have a purpose and financial need for the MEA. The income from the MEA never becomes the property of individual girls, but is part of the troop or Service Unit treasury.
- The Council is not responsible for any loss incurred from a MEA.
- Blackout Periods: MEAs are not allowed during the initial Treats and Reads or Cookie order-taking times. During the balance of the Treats and Reads or Cookie times, there will be some limitations on MEAs.
- Activities must comply with local ordinances (including, but not limited to, local health department rules), must be free from any association with games of chance (no bingo or raffles), and must protect the name and goodwill of Girl Scouts of the USA and Girl Scouts of Connecticut.
- Only the GSOFCT CEO (or her designee) can enter into contracts.
- MEAs cannot solicit money for any other organization or solicit over the Internet.
- If the MEA is outside your Service Unit area, ask your Member Experience staff for approval. All MEAs must take place within the Council's jurisdiction.
- Girls and adults should be dressed appropriately and should wear the Girl Scout pin, sash/vest, or uniform (if the activity permits) during the MEA.
Application Requirements and Process
- If a flier is created to promote the MEA, please send it to upon submitting this form.
- MEAs are approved by GSOFCT staff. GSOFCT reserves the right to deny a MEA if it is deemed not in compliance with Safety Activity Checkpoints and Council policies and guidelines.
- A completed MEA application must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the activity (at least 6 weeks prior if a contract is required).
- An approval or denial will be sent within 5 business days of this form's submission.
- If you are advertising your event with a flyer, it must be submitted to Customer Care within 24 hours of this form's submission. Submitting a flyer after 24 hours may result in the delay of approval.
- The Evaluation report on the Troop/Group or Service Unit's MEA must be submitted to GSOFCT Customer Care within two weeks following the MEA. If the report is not received by Council within the two weeks, future MEAs may be denied.
Your Service Unit Manager, Member Experience Specialist, or Customer Care are able to answer questions regarding MEAs.
Important Note: Please be prepared to enter all needed information and then submit during the same browser session. The form will not save your progress once you close your browser.
Questions?: Customer Care is here to help! Contact them at or 1-800-922-2770.