I am choosing to participate in virtual AIP groups with a SARC facilitator via Zoom. By choosing this option, I understand that:
1. I must use a secure, non-public, wireless network, and a computer, tablet, or smartphone with camera and microphone ability.
2. During the group session, I must be in a private, secure location that is free of interruptions, intrusions, and distractions. I will ensure that no person outside of my fellow group members can see or hear the group session.
3. I must use a set of headphones or earbuds for the privacy of others in the group.
4. I must log into the SARC Zoom meeting on time and stay for the entire session.
5. I must pay my group fee if I choose to attend an online session and do not have any previous credit on my account.
6. I must pay fees at least 24 hours prior to my group start time via the PayPal link on SARC’s Abuser Intervention Program webpage.
7. I must use a debit or credit card with my name on it in order to receive credit for the session.
8. That verbal participation is required.
9. I must have the video on at all times with my attention on the screen. I will stay awake, alert, and engaged during the entire session.
10. I must complete any written assignments as requested by group facilitators.
11. I must respect others and not speak at the same time when someone else is speaking. I may also use the “raise hand” feature in Zoom.
12. Group facilitator(s) may remove anyone from the group meeting that is disruptive and/or interfering with the group process. If this happens, it will count as an absence.
13. Threatening or physically inappropriate behavior will result in termination from the program.
14. I must not record any group session or attend online groups in the presence of any other people who are not group members. Violating the confidentiality and privacy of the group will result in automatic termination from the program.
15. All rules in the Group Contract I previously signed will still remain in effect.
16. Due to the pandemic public health crisis of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, it has become possible for group sessions to occur via interactive video-conferencing (i.e. virtual “face to face” sessions) in lieu of “in-person” groups. Online group sessions will end after COVID-19 mandates are removed and SARC permits in-person groups to resume.
17. SARC has made every reasonable effort to implement technical security measures that reduce risks of a confidentiality breach. I understand the risk and I agree that SARC and my facilitator should not be held responsible if any outside party gains access to our zoom group.
18. If you are unable to attend one of your weekly online group sessions, you must contact the AIP Coordinator within 24 hours to attend a makeup group during the same week. If you do not attend the makeup group session, it will be counted as an absence.