Below is a list of important information regarding your treatment at Capstone:
Capstone does not utilize seclusion or restraint at any time.
During the course of treatment, it may be suggested that motivational incentives be used as a means of behavior modification, such as a token economy system.
Individuals receiving services from Capstone shall not bring weapons or illegal substances on the premises. Prescription medications and tobacco products are allowed on the premises, but are not to be in sight of other individuals.
Individuals who are threatening or act out physically will be discharged from treatment and will be referred to another agency. These individuals will not be allowed to return to Capstone.
If you are involved in a lawsuit or other administrative proceeding, we may release your Protected Information in response to a court order requesting the release. This may include attendance to legally required appointments, sanctions, or court notifications.
Clients who feel that they have a grievance against the agency or an individual are encouraged to address this grievance with the individual directly. If the grievance is not resolved, the client may speak with the individual’s direct supervisor. At any time a client may complete a “client concern form” and return this to the administrative assistant as a means of addressing concerns. Clients can address such issues without the fear of retaliation. It will be addressed within 48 hours. Notification regarding the actions to be taken to address the complaint may be available in writing if requested.
Any of the following guidelines may be sufficient for discharge from this level of care:
The child/adolescent’s documented treatment plan goals and objectives have been substantially met.
The child/adolescent no longer meets continued stay guidelines, or meets guidelines for less or more intensive level of care.
Support Systems that allow the individual to be maintained in a less restrictive treatment environment have been secured.
It is important that you are educated about advance directives. Advance directives include a written statement of a person's wishes regarding medical treatment, often including a living will, made to ensure those wishes are carried out should the person be unable to communicate them to a doctor. The intent is to aid competent adults and their families to plan and communicate in advance their decisions about medical treatment and the use of artificial life support. Please notify your therapist of any advance directives you may have.