I request that the payment of authorized {insuranceCompany} (Insurance companyname, e.g. Medicare, etc), be made to Christopher Chow DPM, PC on my behalf for the service furbished to me by the provider. I authorized any holder of medical information about me to release to {insuranceCompany} (Insurance company
name) and other information needed to determine thesebenefits of the benefits payable for the related service.
I, {patientsName126} (Patient’s name) declare the condition(s) or the disease(s), which I came to see Total Foot and Ankle Care, is not related to motor vehicle accident or work related injury which should be covered by no fault or worker’s compensation insurances. I understand that State Law
Penal Code, section 176.05 requires us to inform you that any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company, physician or other health practitioner, files an application for insurance or statement of the claims and counterclaiming any materially false informationor conceals, for the
purposeof misleading, information concerning anymaterial fact there in, commits a fraudulent act, which is a crime. Such acts are subject to a civilpenalty notto exceed $5000 and the stated value of the claim for each violation.
The misrepresentation of health benefits including providing false information about coverage, or not disclosing all available health benefits is considered a fraudulent act. The formation you present is your representations, and you are responsible for their accuracy.
It is the policy of this office to report all suspected insurance fraud, including misrepresentations of insurance coverage to the New York State commissioner of insurance, insurance Fraud Bureau.