I understand that by enrolling with Browns Bay Medical Centre I will be included in the enrolled population of Comprehensive Care PHO and my name address and other identification details will be included on the Practice, PHO and National Enrolment Service Registers. Personal details and clinical notes may be shared with other Health Providers, or third-party requests as part of my healthcare e.g. ACC, Insurance Company requests, Ministry of Health, WINZ etc.
I understand that if I visit another health care provider where I am not enrolled I may be charged a higher fee.
I understand that full payment is due at the time of consultation.
I understand there is an extra charge for the first visit, as our GPs require a minimum of 30 minutes consultation for newly enrolled patient's first visit. This allows thorough review of your medical history/records and examination. Subsequent appointments are standard 10-15 minutes duration. If you think you require a double (you have 2 issues or more to discuss) please inform our receptionist or specify in your online booking. Double appointments are chargeable at double the normal rate per age band.
We can provide repeat prescriptions for certain stable ongoing conditions, however, you will be required to see your doctor to review your condition at regular intervals as per practice policy consistent with safe medical care. Repeat prescriptions are subject to fees.
Accounts outstanding at 3 months, unless other arrangements have been made, maybe sent to a collection agent. Collection charges are the responsibility of the patient.
I understand that to cancel a consultation without incurring a fee I need to give 4 hours’ notice.
I understand that the Practice participates in a national survey about people’s health care experience and how their overall care is managed. Taking part is voluntary and all responses will be anonymous. I can decline the survey or opt out of the survey by informing the Practice. The survey provides important information that is used to improve health services
I have been given information about the benefits and implications of enrolment and the services this practice and PHO provides along with the PHO’s name and contact details.
I have read and I agree with the Health Information Privacy statement (below).
The information I have provided on the Enrolment Form will be used to determine eligibility to receive publicly-funded services. Information may be compared with other government agencies, but only when permitted under the Privacy Act.
I agree to inform the practice of any change in my eligibility.