HIPPA Policy
This Notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Personally identifiable information about your health, your health care, and your payment for health care is called Protected Health Information. We must safeguard your Protected Health Information and give you this Notice about our privacy practices that explains how, when and why we may use or disclose your Protected Health Information. Except in the situations set out in the Notice, we must use or disclose only the minimum necessary Protected Health Information to carry out the use or disclosure.
We must follow the practices described in this Notice, but we can change our privacy practices and the terms of this Notice at any time.
If we revise the Notice, you may read the new version of the Notice of Privacy Practices on our website at AwareBehavioralHealth.com.
Uses and Disclosures of Your Protected Health Information That Do Not Require Your Consent
We may use and disclose your Protected Health Information as follows without your permission:
To obtain payment. We may disclose your health information in order to collect payment for your health care. For instance, we may release information to your insurance company.
When required by law. We may be required to disclose your Protected Health Information to law enforcement officers, courts or government agencies. For example, we may have to report abuse, neglect or certain physical injuries.
Your Rights Regarding Your Protected Health Information
You have the following rights related to your Protected Health Information:
To inspect and request a copy of your Protected Health Information. You may look at and obtain a copy of your Protected Health Information in most cases. You may not view or copy psychotherapy notes, information collected for use in a legal or government action, and information which you cannot access by law. If we use or maintain the requested information electronically, you may request that information in electronic format.
To request that we correct your Protected Health Information. If you think that there is a mistake or a gap in our file of your health information, you may ask us in writing to correct the file. We may deny your request if we find that the file is correct and complete, not created by us, or not allowed to be disclosed.
To request confidential communication methods. You may ask that we contact you at a certain address or in a certain way. We must agree to your request as long as it is reasonably easy for us to do so.
If you have any questions about these rights, please contact us.
How to Complain about Our Privacy Practices
You may also file a complaint with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by writing to 200 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20201 or by calling 1-877-696-6775.
We will take no action against you if you make a complaint.