I understand that I do not have to sign this authorization in order to get health care benefits. However, I do have to sign an authorization form to permit the Waikiki Health to bill my insurance. Once health care information is disclosed, the person or organization that receives it may redisclose it. I may revoke this authorization in writing. If I did, it would not affect any disclosures already made by Waikiki Health resulting from this authorization. I may not be able to revoke this authorization if its purpose is to obtain insurance. To revoke this authorization, I can write a letter to Waikiki Health; ATTN: Compliance Officer, 277 Ohua Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96815. Waikiki Health reserves the right to modify the Notice of Privacy Practices. The current version is available at www.waikikihealth.org or through the reception staff. You have the right to view the full version of this policy prior to signing this consent.