Please be informed that Bay Area Psychological Consultants files insurance as a courtesy and it is in no way a guarantee that your insurance company will pay for services rendered. All claims are subject to the written conditions of your policy. You, as the patient, are ultimately responsible for the account and any follow-up contact needed with your insurance carrier. Your signature is required in order to file insurance and receive services.
I agree to assign all insurance benefits not to exceed total charge to my psychotherapist at Bay Area Psychological Consultants. I agree for any information to be released to insurance companies and/or sponsoring agencies for the purpose of verifying outpatient and/or inpatient diagnosis, treatment and other data. I hereby agree to be responsible for the cost of any non-covered services as notified by a periodic statement and my explanation of benefits.
I understand and agree that regardless of my insurance status, I am ultimately responsible for the balance of my account for any professional services rendered at the time of service.