Attendance Policy:
Clinic, Home Visits, Teletherapy
The frequency and time of treatment is especially important to the therapeutic process and growth. Therefore, clients are given a prescribed amount of time for each therapy session and a prescribed number of sessions per week. It is important that clients arrive on time so that they can participate in the full scheduled therapy time. If a client is running late for a therapy session it is the client’s or the responsible parties’ responsibility to call and notify Moving Mountains Therapy Center. MMTC does not follow school district holiday closures. MMTC clinic has no planned closures for federal/observed federal holidays. It is left to the discretion of each clinician if they will work a designated federal/observed federal holiday. Clients and families should check with their clinician(s) to determine if their sessions will be canceled for the federal/observed federal holiday. If a client or family wishes to cancel their sessions for a federal/observed federal holiday they should inform the front desk of the cancellations. All cancellations for federal and observed federal holidays will not count against a client’s attendance record. If you have travel plans, please cancel, or reschedule your appointments with the front desk.
If you or a responsible party need to cancel an appointment for reasons aside from travel or will be running late, please first contact the main office at (406)-396-4130, not your clinician.
To uphold prescribed treatment plans, the following tardiness policy is enforced.
- For sessions that are scheduled for 30 minutes, if a client is 15 or more minutes late the session will be cancelled.
- For sessions that are scheduled for 45 minutes, if a client is 23 or more minutes late the session will be cancelled.
- And, for sessions that are scheduled for 60 minutes, if a client is 30 or more minutes late the session will be cancelled.
To provide quality service and foster the therapeutic process and growth, we ask that clients maintain a minimum of 75% attendance for each provided therapy discipline for a consecutive 3-month period.
- It is the clients’ or the responsible party for that clients’ responsibility to notify Moving Mountains Therapy Center if the client is going to be late or absent from a scheduled therapy session.
- For pre-planned absences, Moving Mountains Therapy Center asks that you provide at least 24-hours’ notice of the cancellations.
- For extended pre-planned absences, Moving Mountains Therapy Center requires at least 48-hours’ notice for the cancellations.
- Appointment time slots for extended pre-planned absences may be held for up to 2-weeks before the appointment time slot will be opened to other families/clients.
- For unforeseen events and illnesses, Moving Mountains Therapy Center asks for notice of the cancellation the morning of the scheduled therapy session. If a client is ill, we ask that the scheduled therapy sessions are cancelled, and a minimum of 24-hours passes with a fever of less than 99.6 F without medication to reduce the fever.
No Call/No Show
If a client or the responsible party for a client does not show nor call at least 30 minutes prior for a scheduled therapy appointment, it will be considered a “no-call, no-show”. If client has more than two “no-call/no-shows” with-in a 3-month period that time slot will be opened to other clients/families on our wait list. Failure to meet attendance and no-show requirements could result in loss of scheduled therapy appointments, being placed on a temporary hold, and/or being placed back on the waitlist.
Community Sites – Daycares & Schools
For clients that attend therapy services at Community Site locations Moving Mountains Therapy Center clinicians will have set therapy days and times that they are available to see clients attending a specific Community Site. Clients and/or their families will be informed of these treatment days and times at the initiation of therapy services. It is especially important that clients are at the Community Site during these set therapy times so that they can participate in their full scheduled therapy times to foster the therapeutic process and growth. For this reason, Moving Mountains Therapy Center enforces the following tardiness and attendance policies for Community Site Locations.
Clients must maintain a minimum of 50% attendance for scheduled therapy sessions during the set therapy times for that Community Site in a 3-month period. If a client is unable to maintain 50% attendance or is unable to be seen during the set treatment time they will be placed on our waitlist and the time slot will be opened to another client.
Family and Client Centered Principles: Moving Mountains Therapy Center is focused on family and/or client - centered services where we view our clients and when applicable their family units as equal partners. We understand that our clients and when applicable their family units are the experts and ultimate decision-makers regarding their needs. Intervention at Moving Mountains Therapy Center focuses on strengthening and supporting functioning of the individual and when applicable of the family unit. Thus, the therapy we offer is individualized, flexible and responsive to the needs you have identified for yourself and/or for your family unit. When applicable we do ask that families, including parents, caregivers, guardians, other family members, or invested individuals attend the therapy sessions and be an involved partner in therapy.
Communication Agreement: By checking my choice of method(s) of communication above, I understand the following: Electronic communications such as email or text messaging are not guaranteed as secure. I understand there are known and unknown risks that may affect the privacy of the client’s personal health care information when using text messaging to communicate. I understand that Moving Mountains Therapy Center will use reasonable means to protect the security and confidentiality of text information, however, text messaging is not HIPAA compliant and therefore Personal Health Information (PHI) will not be shared via text messaging and HIPAA compliant precautions will be taken to ensure the client’s PHI is protected to the best of Moving Mountains Therapy Center’s abilities. If I choose to use email or text messaging to communicate with Moving Mountains Therapy Center, I agree that if I have not received a response to time-sensitive information (i.e., rescheduling or cancelling sessions, etc.), it is my responsibility to follow up in person or via direct phone call with a Moving Mountains Therapy Center staff member. I understand that Moving Mountains Therapy Center will use reasonable means to protect the security and confidentiality of email information sent and received via a HIPAA compliant encrypted email service. I agree that if I wish to withdraw my consent to use email or text communications regarding the client’s therapy services, it is my responsibility to inform Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, in written communication.
Health Policy: Help and cooperation is required in order to maintain a healthy environment. An individual must be temperature-free for 24 hours, without the aid of fever reducing medicine, before returning to therapy. If the individual has vomited and/or had diarrhea, he/she should not return to therapy until 24 hours have passed since the last episode of the same.
Clients will NOT be seen if any of the following is present:
• Too ill or uncomfortable to function in the therapy setting;
• Continual runny nose;
• Thick or discolored nasal discharge;
• Excessive sneezing or coughing and mucus-producing cough;
• An elevated temperature.
Gun Policy: No person may carry or possess a weapon, regardless of whether the person has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, on Moving Mountians Commercial Property (3031 S. Russell St., Missoula, MT., 59801) premises except as authorized Security Personnel.
Authorization for Release of Information: Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC is hereby authorized to furnish and release such professional and clinical information as may be necessary for the completion of my medical claims by valid third party agents or agencies from the medical records compiled during treatment. Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, Eat.Move.Grow., S-Corp and Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp are hereby released from all legal liability that may arise from the release of said information.
HIPPA Release: I certify that I have received a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices effective 4-14-13, describing the privacy regulations as outlined by HIPAA and that I understand any questions regarding this privacy notice may be directed to Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC (or Eat.Move.Grow., S-Corp or Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp, as appropriate). I agree that these practices have been fully explained to me, and I am satisfied that I understand its consent and significance.
Financial Policy:
Assignment and Authorization to Pay Insurance Benefits: I hereby assign and authorize payment directly to Eat.Move.Grow., S-Corp or Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp as appropriate.
Health Insurance: We participate with some insurance companies, but not all. In the event that we do not accept your insurance, we will be happy to provide you with the necessary paperwork to assist you in seeking reimbursement for out-of-network provider services. Please be advised that many health insurances plans have limited coverage for therapy services. We recommend you contact your insurance company to discuss the limits of your coverage.
Fees: To maintain your access to care we accept most insurances, in the case that you do not wish to have insurance billed for services rendered we offer private pay agreements. Payment is required at the time of service unless other arrangements are made in advance. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your or your family’s eligibility and/or co-pay, please contact our front office at (406)-396-4130. Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp. , and Eat.Move.Grow, S-Corp. may offer an estimate of benefits and/or authorization as a courtesy; however, this does not guarantee payment or verify eligibility. Payment of benefits are subject to all terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of the member's contract at time of service.
Payment: The person who completes the Consent to Admission & Medical Treatment- Financial Agreement, is responsible for payment of all services rendered. Payment is due at the time services are rendered unless you have made other arrangements in advance. Financially Responsible Parties have the option to set up autopay on the Fusion Portal. Accounts more than 60 days overdue or have a balance of $500 or greater will be required to pay off the balance in full or sign up for a payment plan. Accounts that have not had sufficient payments made on them and are 90 days overdue will be sent to collections. For clients seeking third-party reimbursement, please be aware that you are ultimately responsible for payment of all services rendered. If your insurance carrier denies payment (including recoupment) or does not remit payment within 90 days, the client will be responsible for payment of all services rendered.
Collections: Accounts that have not had sufficient payments made upon them in 90 days will be sent to a third-party collection agency. In the event any unpaid balance is placed for collections with a third-party collection agency a collections-fee will be added to the total amount due. This amount shall be in addition to any other costs incurred directly or indirectly to collect amounts owed under this agreement such as court costs, attorney fees, late fees, and any other fees so stated elsewhere. The authorized collections fee and the additional costs and charges listed above represent the actual costs incurred by Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp. , and Eat.Move.Grow, S-Corp. to collect amounts owed under this agreement and a corresponding decrease in expected revenue resulting from the signer’s failure to pay as specified in this agreement.
Termination of Services: In the event that financial obligations are unable to be met and maintained, services will be suspended. Services may be suspended for accounts that are greater than 90 days overdue and for accounts with a total unpaid account balance greater than $1000. Services may be terminated if it is determined that continued participation will be a detriment to you or your family.
Treatment Agreement: I understand that Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp. , and Eat.Move.Grow, S-Corp. provide clinical treatment services. I hereby agree to treatment by these companies as prescribed by my physician.
Waiver of Liability: I give permission to participate in Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp. , and Eat.Move.Grow, S-Corp. ’s programs and services. I hereby release Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp. , and Eat.Move.Grow, S-Corp. ’s principal owners, therapists, employees and representatives and all other individuals or organizations acting on behalf of Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp. , and Eat.Move.Grow, S-Corp. ’s, from any and all claims which I or my dependent may have, resulting from or in connection with participation in Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp. , and Eat.Move.Grow, S-Corp. ’s programs This includes, but without limitation, any claim, demands or causes of action for injuries to myself (or dependent), including but not limited to injuries resulting from the use of any therapy equipment during the program where services are provided. This agreement is signed for the purpose of fully and completely releasing, discharging and indemnifying Moving Mountains Therapy Center, PLLC, Stack Speech Therapy Group, S-Corp. , and Eat.Move.Grow, S-Corp. in connection with their programs from all liability as herein described.
By signing below, I (client/legal guardian) agree to the above.