I understand personal injury can and may occur to myself and/or my child, and I hereby authorize Youth Resource Center at New Friends New Life Staff or another appointed youth advisor, to seek and consent to emergency medical attention for myself and/or my child as needed; and I further agree to be liable for and to pay all costs incurred in connection with such medical attention.
I also understand that should the agency vehicles stop for any sort of break (ie-bathroom), any youth who decide to exit the vehicle will be responsible for themselves at that point forward. For youth under the age of 18, their legal guardians will be notified and law enforcement will be called. I acknowledge that the agency vehicles should remain free of any behavioral misconduct and that incidents that occur on the agency vehicles will be handled based on corresponding laws.
I hereby release New Friends New Life and its employees, agents and volunteers, from any and all liability, claims, demands, causes of action and possible causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury (including death) that may be sustained by myself and/or my child while riding in the agency vehicles.
I agree to accept full responsibility, financially or otherwise, for any damage I or my child may do to the property of New Friends New Life , specifically the vehicles used for transportation and relevant items in the vehicles.
I agree and consent to all of the above stated.