Internal Ocular Health Evaluation
This office will make every effort to perform a complete retinal evaluation with each comprehensive eye exam. The internal ocular evaluation is an important component of a routine eye examination since many eye problems can develop without symptoms.
The internal ocular evaluation involves using dilating eye drops, which is included in the comprehensive exam at no charge. Be advised that you may experience blurred vision when reading and an increase in light sensitivity, which can remain for up to 4-6 hours. If today is not convenient, the dilation may be rescheduled at no charge. If you refuse to have your eyes dilated, you are assuming all risks associated with failure to diagnose eye conditions due to lack of information that may have been provided by this test. However, we also offer a non-contact wide view imaging system, Optomap, that allows the doctor to capture hi-res images of your retina which can be performed quickly and without any symptoms. This is an additional $29.00 fee for each patient.