1. ASAM 3.1 Clinically Managed Low-Intensity Residential Services OR at least a Recovery Home for post incarceration. This critical stage of Reentry is considered the“Stabilization Phase” of treatment. The Offenders are leaving the highest level of care and need to be transitioned more slowly into the community to promote successful “Reentry.” In the 3.1 Clinically Managed Low Intensity Treatment Residential Service, Offenders will be exposed to over 25-hours of professional treatment and Peer driven support services to include, but not limited to: coping skills, anger and stress management, relationship skills, self-esteem, illness management, problem solving and critical thinking, and trauma management. Additionally, offender’s psychiatric and medical care are monitored and managed, while they are exposed to vocational skills development, family education, and recreation and leisure activities. Any community resources and benefits such as Medicaid, SSDI, etc., are initiated and obtained. Critical to the “Stabilization Phase” is building a strong collaborative relationship with Offender’s Probation/Parole Officer, which is monitored and supported by River City. Similar treatment and peer services are available in the Recovery Home service, as well.