I acknowledge and understand the following as it relates to telehealth:
- Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunications (including videoconferencing) to support and promote long-distance clinical healthcare, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration. Telemedicine is sometimes distinguished from Telehealth as more narrowly applying to the practice of medicine from one clinical setting to another. Telehealth and Telemedicine are defined under certain state and federal laws to exclude communications through an audio only telephone, email messages, text messages, facsimile transmission, U.S. Mail or other parcel service, or any combination thereof. Telecommunications, including videoconferencing is not the same as direct visits between the patient and healthcare provider, as I will not be in the same room or location as the consulting provider. I understand if the consulting provider is located in another state or country, different laws may apply to the care I receive.
- Telehealth allows Recipients to provide educational services to me that may otherwise require me to travel long distances. I understand alternatives to telehealth consultation are available. I understand these services are solely informational and educational. No licensed medical professional/patient relationship is created by using or relying on information or advice provided by Recipients.
- My participation in any telehealth consultation is completely voluntary. I may revoke this Authorization if I decide to receive no further telehealth services. I understand Recipients are unable to take back any uses or disclosures they have already made prior to my revocation.
- Details of my medical history, including but not limited to insurance, treatment recommendations, pathology reports, test results, and radiology images if applicable (collectively “healthcare information”) may be shared electronically and discussed with a treating physician.
- Non-medical personnel may be present to assist in operating telephone and/or videoconferencing equipment. I will be informed of any non-medical personnel present during telephone and/or videoconference meetings.
- My healthcare information may be shared with other individuals for scheduling and billing purposes.
- Video, audio, and/or photo recordings may be taken during the meetings to aid in documenting the progress of your treatment. Recipients may keep a record of the consultation.
- Despite Recipients’ best efforts to protect the confidentiality of patient information, the security protocol could fail causing a breach of privacy of personal medical information.
- Information provided by telehealth to Recipients may be insufficient to allow for educational information to be provided.
- Potential risks to the use of this technology include delays in service, interruptions, unauthorized access, security breaches, and technical difficulties, all of which may occur due to failures of the electronic equipment, or other causes.
- The risks involved with Telehealth include the potential release of private information due to the complexities and abnormalities involved with the Internet. Viruses, Trojans, and other involuntary intrusions have the ability to grab and release information you may desire to keep private. Furthermore, there is the risk of being overheard by anyone near you if you do not place yourself in a private area and open to other’s intrusion.