Performance Training Appointments
Attendance at all scheduled appointments is extremely important. Our appointments are on a 45-minute basis. If you are late for your appointment, your coach may feel it necessary to do only a portion of your session or reschedule for another day. If a scheduling conflict occurs, please call us as soon as possible. We may be able to use your time for another client and reschedule you for a more convenient time.
Performance Training Appointment Fee Policies
I understand that the responsibility for attending appointments that are scheduled is mine. If desired, a reminder card will be given when the appointment is scheduled. Additionally, an appointment reminder will be sent to you prior to each appointment. If a no show, late cancellation, or late arrival occurs, you will be billed at the following rate:
- NO SHOW: If you do not arrive to a scheduled appointment you will be billed the full performance training session amount of $150.
- LATE CANCELLATION: We ask for at least 24-hours’ notice for cancellations. If you call to cancel with less than 24-hours’ notice, you will be billed $90.
- LATE ARRIVAL: If you arrive late to your scheduled appointment, you will still be required to pay the full performance training session amount of $150.
Monthly Subscription Cancellations
For clients enrolled in monthly programming subscriptions, a 30-day notice is required for cancellation. If you wish to cancel your subscription, please notify us at least 30 days before the next billing cycle, which begins on the 1st of each month. Refunds will not be issued for late notice of a monthly subscription cancellation.