Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLC
Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLC makes efforts to respect patient’s need for privacy and individual dignity. We treat patient’s protected health information (PHI) as confidential, and we use and disclose PHI only in conformance with state and federal laws. We respect patient’s rights over their own PHI. Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLCuses patient’s PHI for treatment, payment and healthcare operations. For these purposes, this pracCtice may share patient’s PHI with Healthcare providers, health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, and business associates.
Example of use of PHI for treatment: using the results of lab tests for diagnosis. Example of use of PHI for payment: checking with an insurance carrier to make sure the patient is eligible for benefits. Example of use of PHI for healthcare operations: to evaluate the quality of care the patient receives.
Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLC does not make certain disclosures of patient’s PHI without the patient’s authorization. Our practice and its physicians and staff will not use of disclose PHI without the patient’s authorization for disclosure to such outside entities as employers, insurance companies, drug companies and journalists, and will not use PHI without authorization for marketing, research or fundraising, except under certain limited circumstances. We will adhere to restrictions on PHI use that the patient has requested and the practice has approved. Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLC requires compliance with these policies.
I authorize the release of any medical information necessary to process this claim. I permit a copy of this authorization to be used in place of the original. I hereby authorize Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLC to apply for benefits on my behalf for covered services rendered by him or his order. I request payment from my insurance company be made directly to Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLC. I certify that the information I have reported with regard to my insurance coverage is correct. I understand I am responsible for any deductibles or co-insurance applicable. I understand that some procedures may not be covered by my insurance company and that I am responsible for those charges. I understand that if my insurance company changes, it is my responsibility to notify Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLC. I understand that if my insurance company requires a referral, it is my responsibility to make sure a valid referral is on file with Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLC.
I understand that if I am on Medicaid or a Medicaid HMO or any other Medicaid insurance plan, that Mitchell J. Mandel, M.D., P.C., Mandel-Wilentz Dermatology PLLC, and Mandel Dermatology Boudler PLLC do not accept any type of Medicaid insurance and that I agree to pay for services rendered as a private pay patient.
I understand I am being seen as a private pay patient and this is voluntary on my part. I understand I have the option of going to a clinic or facility that will accept my Medicaid plan and I choose not to do so. I understand that some procedures may not be covered by Medicare and that in the event that Medicare does not cover the charges, I will be responsible for those charges and I agree to pay them.