4400 East Highway 20, Suite #306, Niceville, FL 32578* Phone (850) 797-2598 Fax (773) 492-8765
1. Patient Information
2. Authorization: I authorize the following third parties to disclose the above listed patient's protected health information in the manner described below in section 3.
3. Scope of Authority: I authorize the disclose of my protected health information to the above-named individual/entity as follows: (Initial only one)
Initials I authorize the disclosure of ANY protected health information (except psychotherapy notes) that the above named individual/entity may request. If applicable, this information may include information pertaining to chronic diseases, behavioral conditions, communicable diseases including HIV or AIDS and/or genetic information.
Initials Also include any alcohol and substance abuse records, if applicable (indicate by initialing). This authorization to alcohol or substance abuse information unless specifically authorized above.
Initials I authorize the disclosure of ONLY the following protected health information to the above named individual/entity: Initials
4. Purpose: This authorization is made:
Initials At my request.
Initials For the following purpose(s):
Expiration: This authorization with expire on Date (1 year) or Initials at the end of treatment. Revocation: I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by notifying Bluewater Behavioral Health, Inc in writing. Revocation will not apply to records already furnished in reliance upon this authorization. I understand that any disclosure of information carries with it the potential for an unauthorized re-disclosure and the information may not be protected by federal confidentiality rules or privacy laws. Initials 6. Signature. I am making this authorization voluntarily and have had full opportunity to read and consider the content of this