John L. Bonner Eye Clinic would like to welcome you to our office.
Enclosed is a registration form and a medical history questionnaire for you to complete. Please bring the completed forms, along with your current insurance card and a photo ID with you to your appointment. Many insurance plans require referrals before they will pay for medical services. If referrals are required, it is your responsibility to get the referrals in place prior to your office visit. If you are uncertain as to whether or not you need a referral, please refer to your member handbook or call your insurance company. The phone number should be found on the back of your insurance identification card.
Many insurance plans require you to make a co-pay with each office visit. Your co-pay is due at the time of your visit.
Your eyes will be dilated for most types of exams, so plan to bring a driver. The effects of the dilation can last up to several hours or even into the next day.
Please bring a list of all your medications, including eye drops, to your appointment.
If you have any questions or need clarification, please call the office where your visit will take place. In addition, please feel free to visit our new website at
Thank you for choosing the John L. Bonner Eye Clinic as your ophthalmology clinic. The physicians and staff at our clinics are committed to providing you with high quality care in an efficient and compassionate environment.