As a client/consumer of Phoenix Preferred Care, Inc. you have the right to:
1. color, religion, national origin, place of residence, health status, type of payor, source of payment, physical or mental disability or veteran status.
Receive appropriate treatment without regard to race, sex, sexual orientation, age,
2.Receive treatment in a facility that is accessible as required by Title III of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1991 (“ADA”
3.Receive treatment within the least restrictive environment possible.
4.Receive treatment in privacy and in a confidential manner.
5.Be an active participant in the development of an individualized treatment plan, including discharge plan and/or follow-up services.
6.Be an active participant in all reviews or revisions to your treatment plan.
7.Know about the risks, side effects, and benefits of all treatment procedures.
8.Be told about all areas of your treatment plan in a language or method in which you can understand.
9.Receive services and/or treatment from qualified and competent individuals in a professional manner.
Have access to your medical record to the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Phoenix Preferred Care, Inc. policy.
11. Be treated with dignity, respect and consideration at all times and to be served in a prompt and courteous manner.
Request a second opinion from another professional or consultant regarding your treatment plan, at your own expense.
Refuse treatment, and/or services to the extent permitted by law.
Receive confidentiality from all staff regarding your treatment, participation, and medical record except as may be required by law.
Have any bills or charges explained to you.
16. process, and to be assured that its use will not interfere with your treatment.
Be told about the Client Grievance Procedure, provided with a written copy of the
Participate in interviews by the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities regarding Outpatient Services.