Black/African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Native American/Native Alaskan, Hispanic or Latin, White, Other, Multi-race
A. 0-8, B. 9-12 C. HS Grad/GED D. 12+ E. 2-4 yr Grad College
Health Insurance:
A. Medicaid B. Medicare C. Private D. Self-Ins E. None F. Unknown
Income Period:
A. Weekly, B. Bi Weekly, C. Monthly, D. Annually, E. 13 Weeks, F. 3 Months, G. 6 Months
Source of Income:
A.Employment, B. Unempoyment, C. Social Security, D. TANF, E. Governtment Assistrance, F. SSI/SSD, G. Pension, H. No Income, I. Other, J. Zero Income, K. Refused- Only used for programs that do NOT require income Verification