Confidentiality: Federal and state Laws along with professional and ethical standards prohibit the disclosure of any information you provide us unless we have your prior written consent including both Mental Health and Alcohol or Other Drug Services. Thus, if anyone inquires about your receiving services here, we would not be able to disclose any information about you without your written permission.
Even so, there are a few exceptions to the laws and standards of confidentiality wherein your treatment provider is legally obligated to inform proper authorities as well as others in some situations. The limitations to confidentiality are as follows:
- If you provide information indicating abuse of a child or dependent adult.
- If your treatment prodvider is court ordered to disclose information about you.
- If your treatment provider believes you or someone else indentified needs protections from serious and foreseeable harm.
In addition, in accordance with 42 C.F.R and 42 C.F.R. Part 2, the records of clients receiving treatment for a Substance Use Disorder, including those of minors, are subject to federal confidentiality laws as indicated above which prohibits the treatment program or provider from disclosing any information identifying you as an alcohol or other drug treatment participant without your prior written consent. Signature of this Informed Consent document attests to all of the stipulations listed herein. Additional limitations of confidentiality for clients receiving treatment for a Substance Use Disorder, under 42 C.F.R. and 42 C.F.R. Part 2 are as follows.
- If you provide any information about a crime committed or a threat to commit a crime by a client either at the treatment program or against any person who works for the treatment program.
- Disclosures for the purpose of payment and health care operations are permitted.
- Disclosures for research purposes and for audits and/or program evaluation purposes are permitted.
- Declared emergencies resulting from natural disasters that disrupt treatment facilities and services are also considered a "bona fide medical emergency," for the purpose of disclosing SUD records without patient consent.
Rights and Responsibilities: The course of treatment is determined by you and your treatment provider. You are encouraged to ask any questions you have regarding their education and professional background, therapeutic approach, and the specific treatment plan and progress. In addition, you have been provided a copy of the client's rights and grievance policy along with the Notice of Privacy (HIPPA Act).
Referrals and Termination: Should services outside the scope of Community Counseling Center be needed, a referral to a more appropriate resource will be given to better meet your needs and goals. Clients have the right to terminate treatment at any point during the process and can refuse any and all treatments. However, your service provider may also decline to provide clients treatment if the client refuses or cannot comply with the necessary requirements of that treatment.
Consultation and Supervision: In order to provide you with the best services possible your treatment provider may choose to consult with other Community Counseling Center treatment providers. In addition, graduate level interns providing counseling services are supervised by licensed clinician or a team that includes a licensed clinician. Colleagues who provide consultation and/or supersvision are subject to the same confidentialtiy restraints as your clinician.
Communication and Technology: Community Counseling Center cannot ensure your email, text or any other electronic communications are confidential, are received or are addressed in a timely manner. You are encouraged to call 440-998-4210 if you have treatement related needs.
Treatment of Minors: Upon the request of a minor fourteen years of age or older, a mental health professional may provide outpatient mental services, excluding the use of medication, without the consent or knowledge of the minor's parent or guardian. A minor age 14 or older is entitled to six sessions or 30 days unitl parental notification is required.
Risk and Benefits: Each treatment service that you receive has risks and benefits associated with it. Research indicates that most people who engage in treatment can benefit from the experience, even so, it's possible for things to get worse before they get better. Your initials indicate that you wish to receive this treatment and that you have recieved a copy of the risks and benefits and they have been explained to you.