Britteny S. Asher, M.S., CCC-SLP - Speech-Language Pathologist
Wendy Gunter, M.S., CCC-SLP - Speech-Language Pathologist
Shannon Wagner, OTD, OTR/L - Occupational Therapist
Deborah Ferguson, MOT, OTR/L - Occupational Therapist
Telehealth service is the delivery of healthcare services when the provider and patient are not in the same physical location. Services are provided through the use of a computer, tablet, or phone. Britteny Asher Consulting (BAC) associates may offer to conduct direct goal centered restoration/treatment, group sessions (Soft Skills for Employment classes), Assistive Technology Training, Team Consultation, Evaluation / Diagnosis and Team Meetings via telehealth service.
Risks and Benefits of Telehealth Sessions Generally speaking, the risks and benefits of telehealth are similar to those of in-person sessions; however, there are a few additional risks. First, although we use secure platforms (e.g., Zoom) with industry-standard encryption and security, there is no way to guarantee that this software is completely failure-proof. As with any technology, there is a chance of a security breach that would affect the privacy of personal and/or medical information. Second, since you will be completing sessions in your own home, we cannot guarantee the same level of privacy provided in face to face interactions. This means that you are responsible for making sure that you are in a private area where disruptions (e.g., others coming into the room or hearing what you say in another room) are minimized as much as possible. Third, in the event of group sessions, it is possible that your confidentiality could be breached if others in the group are not in a confidential setting. In order to reduce risks to confidentiality, we suggest that all video or telephone sessions occur in a private room with no one else present and that you wear headphones to limit the possibility of other people overhearing confidential information. In group video sessions, you have the option to turn off your camera so that others may not see you.
Since this may be different than the type of sessions with which you are familiar, it is important that you understand, acknowledge, and agree to the following statements:
- You understand that the provider will be at a different location from you.
- You understand that you will be engaged in a telehealth session that may disclose personal identifying information as well as protected health information.
- You have been informed of and accept the potential risks associated with telehealth, such as failure of security protocols that may cause a breach of privacy of personal and/or medical information.
- You understand that the laws that protect privacy and the confidentiality of medical information also apply to telehealth, and that no information obtained in the use of telehealth which identifies you will be disclosed to other entities without your consent or as may be allowed by law.
- There may be circumstances during a telehealth session when the use of photography, videotaping, and/or other video/audio recording could be deemed beneficial. In this situation, the clinician will request that the session berecorded. You have the right to refuse to be recorded.
- You understand that you have the right to withhold or withdraw your consent to the use of telehealth services at any time in the course of your care, without affecting your right to future care or treatment.