First Name
Last Name
Birth Date
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Best Phone Number
Height / Weight
Employer Information
The average American spends 40% of their life at work. It's important to us to understand what you do and who you do it with.
Your Occupation
Emergency Contact
In case there's an emergency -- who should we contact for you?
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Phone number
By checking the box, you are agreeing to the following:
I have read and reviewed the Privacy Policy ( and understand it describes how my personal health information is released on my behalf for seeking reimbursement from any involved third parties.
I realize that an x-ray may be hazardous to an unborn child and I certify that to the best of my knowledge, I am not pregnant.
I grant permission to be called to confirm or reschedule an appointment and to be sent occasional cards, letters, emails, or health information to me as an extension of my care in the office.
I acknowledge that any insurance I may have is an agreement between the carrier and me and that I am responsible for the payment of any covered or non-covered services I receive.
I may request a copy of the Financial Policy at any time.
To the best of my ability, the information I have supplied is complete and truthful. I have not misrepresented the presence, severity or cause of my health concern.
How Did You Hear About Us?
If someone (or something) sent you here, we'd like to know so we can thank them.
Who can we thank for referring you?
How Can We Help You?
Tell us about the problems you are experiencing.
My problem is:
Office Address: Envive Chiropractic 412 S 1st Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
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