Please complete the entire application and submit all required documentation in order for our team to review your request.
Note: Please be sure to attach all required documents. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed for assistance.
Please submit a copy of the following documents in order for us to determine eligibility.
For all Housing Search Request and Education Registration DO NOT upload any documents. Both request do not require documentation to attend our class or to recieve a housing search list.
I/we Primary Name and Spouse/Cohead whose signature(s) appear(s) below, give permission to Family Housing Advisory Services, Inc. (hereafter "FHAS, Inc."), its employees, and/or attorneys and representatives, to consult with others and obtain from others or provide to others any and all information deemed necessary to assist me with my housing needs including, but not limited to: Information from any State or Federal agency, information regarding my income, all health, medical, and educational information.
I agree to hold FHAS, Inc., its employees, attorneys, representatives and members of its Board of Directors faultless and release them from all liability for their good faith attempt to assist me/us. I also hereby authorize any third person, agency, or organization to provide any such information requested by FHAS, Inc., regarding myself and my minor children, namely:
Minor First Name Last Name Date of Birth Minor First Name Last Name Date of Birth Minor First Name Last Name Date of Birth Minor First Name Last Name Date of Birth Minor First Name Last Name Date of Birth Minor First Name Last Name Date of Birth Minor First Name Last Name Date of Birth
to FHAS, Inc., its employees, attorneys, or representatives and further, hereby fully release any such person from any liability for providing any such information. This authorization is valid for 12 months from the date below unless I have designated a shorter time in the space below or sooner revoke this authorization. A copy, electronic image or emailed version of this release shall be considered an original.The period of authorization, if less than 12 months, is blanks months from the date below.
Primary Applicant Signature
Co-Applicant Signature
Employee Signature
Thank you for reaching out to us in your time of need. We can not guarantee funding will be available, due to funding limitations. Please allow 7-10 business days for a response.