Other Practice Consents and Policies
“Good Fit” Policy:
We strive to provide excellent care to all of our patients, however, as a small independent business, we reserve the right to discharge patients from our practice that are inappropriate, hostile, or abusive with our staff, providers, or the towards the clinic operations in general, including Internet and Social Media postings. This includes if a provider believes that there is a "Poor Therapeutic Relationship" with a patient.
An appointment is required for:
- New (to your provider) or changing prescriptions,
- To address a new or changing condition, illness or symptom,
- To provide a requested referral and all medical order,
- Documents require medical signature or review,
- To review completed orders or test results.
Receiving Test Results:
Test results including CTs, Xrays, Blood Tests and others, fall into two categories: Medically Concerning or Not Medically Concerning. Test results may be slightly abnormal, yet still be Medically Unconcerning as related to your care or health. Test results are provided to you via your Patient Portal. Your Portal notifies you with an email when results or other information is made available to you If you have test results that are Medically Concerning, we will contact you to schedule an appointment to review these with you, if one isn't already scheduled.
Provider Communications and Access:
Our AFP Patient Portal provided to you provides staff and provider messaging, appointment requests, and bill payment functions, as well as others. Otherwise, access to our providers outside of a scheduled appointment is very limited.
Receiving Your Test Results:
Test results including CTs, Xrays, Blood Tests and others, fall into two categories: Medically Concerning or Not Medically Concerning. Test results may be slightly abnormal, yet still be Medically Unconcerning as related to your care or health. Test results are provided to you via your Patient Portal. Your Portal notifies you with an email when results or other information is made available to you If you have test results that are Medically Concerning, we will contact you to schedule an appointment to review these with you, if one isn't already scheduled.
Medication Refills:
Please contact your pharmacy first to request a refill. You can also request refills using your Patient Portal
Home-Bound Patients:
We are unable to provide, or continue to provide, care for patients that become permanently home-bound for any reason. Once a patient becomes home-bound, we will assist with securing placement with an appropriate group or provider.
Treatment Non-Compliance:
If a patient fails to follow a treatment plan, as agreed upon with their AFP provider, that increases the health risk of the patient due to willful treatment non-compliance, we reserve the right to discharge them from our practice if we feel that this is causing significant risk to their health.
Controlled Substance Prescribing:
We no longer provide controlled substance prescriptions for opioids, benzodiazepine (Ativan, Xanax, etc), or hypnotic (Ambien, Lunesta, etc) medications that require daily use. Some of these drugs may be provided for acute issues on a short-term basis. If you are a new patient requiring these medications for use every day, a referral to an outside prescriber (A Pain Specialist, Psychiatry, etc.) can be provided.
Cannabis Cards:
We provide cannabis cards for qualifying conditions (see the NM DOH Cannabis Application for a list of these conditions). For patients currently diagnosed with an active cancer, a Cannabis Application can be sponsored by our clinic. Otherwise, there is a charge for these applications. Documentation of your condition is required, and for psychiatric complaints, a letter from a NM Licensed Psychiatric provider confirming the diagnosis may be required.
Consent to Treat:
I consent to evaluation, diagnostic procedures, testing, and treatment as directed by my Adler Family Practice Provider or his/her designee. I understand that I may request and receive information on the specific affiliation(s) of any particular healthcare provider I encounter during my care. I understand that this Consent to Treat will be valid for each visit I make to Adler Family Practice until revoked by me in writing.
Consent to Release Information:
I acknowledge that Adler Family Practice may release my protected health information as necessary for treatment, payment and health care operations and acknowledge that Adlers Notice of Privacy Practice provides information on how my protected health information may be used and/or disclosed for these purposes. I understand that protected health information pertains to my diagnosis and/or treatment, and includes, but is not limited to, information related to my health history, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, mental illness (excluding psychotherapy notes), use of alcohol or drugs, prescriptions and laboratory test results, including HIV or the diagnosis of AIDS. I understand that use or disclosure of my protected health information may be necessary before my insurer will pay for the cost of my medical treatment and that if I refuse to consent to this disclosure I may be required to pay the entire cost of medical care provided by Adler Family Practice. I acknowledge and consent to allow Adler Family Practice to use health information exchange systems to electronically transmit, receive and/or access my medical information, which may include, but is not limited to, treatments, prescriptions, labs, medical and prescription history and other protected health information. I may “opt out” and not have my protected health information disclosed through health information exchange systems by providing the signed Adler “opt-out” form to the practice location where I receive treatment.
Consent to Photograph/Digital Imaging:
I consent to photographs/digital images for treatment, and to verify identity for payment purposes. I understand that the Adler Family Practice will retain the ownership rights to these photographs/digital images, but that I will be allowed access to view them or obtain copies