Often, clients will request or initiate communication via email, text, phone calls, cloud-based platforms, or social media platforms. The counselor will carefully consider whether any such form of communication is in the best interest of the client once the client has communicated consent on this form. If the therapist finds that these forms of communication are therapeutically indicated and beneficial for the client, the counselor may respond to the client thus indicating that the communication has been considered therapeutically appropriate and beneficial for the client.
Even when communication outside of the counseling office is therapeutically beneficial to the client, it is important to recognize that no form of communication is 100% safe or protected from outside entities or unauthorized access. The counselor will take appropriate action and security precautions to prevent unauthorized access to protected health information as set forth by HIPAA. No efforts would ever be made to inappropriately break a client’s confidentiality in regard to any of these forms of communication. All other confidentiality agreements for counseling remain in full effect.
If at any point in time the counselor determines that these forms of communication are not therapeutically indicated or in the best interest of the client, the counselor may terminate electronic forms of communication. Similarly, the client has the right to terminate any or all forms of communication at any time, and for any reason.
The client understands that communication using email, text, phone call, cloud-based platforms, or social media is limited and may not be monitored. As such these forms of communication are not appropriate for emergency situations that may concern the immediate health or safety of a person and by signing below express their understanding to call emergency services in such an event.
A face-to-face counseling setting allows for in-depth communication including but not limited to non-verbals, tones of speech, clear eye contact, and other fine points of communication that are often lost in alternate forms of communication. In the case of tele-therapy some of these non-verbal cues may be lost. In these circumstances tele-therapy may be less effective than face-to-face.
All such analysis can be made with the client and the counselor together in deciding whether to engage in tele-therapy when it is deemed necessary.
While in-person if often ideal, tele-therapy may be useful in order to maintain continuity of care and employed as an option when therapeutically indicated and determined to be beneficial for the client.
By signing below I acknowledge that I understand the pros and cons of electronic communication between me and Solace, and I understand the risks inherent to digital communication.
I also acknowledge and accept that despite precautions being taken by my counselor to maintain protected health information in accordance with HIPAA provisions, there remains some risk inherent to digital communication. I have been made aware of and accept this risk.
I further acknowledge that my therapist has reviewed the strengths and limitations inherent to tele-therapy and by signing below indicate my desire to use this service as needed.