Peak Professional Group, PLLC ensures that person’s receiving outpatient mental health services through our group practice are provided appropriate crisis referral and coverage services 24 hours per day as required by NC Service Definitions.Procedures: Upon signing the initial intake paperwork, each client and/or Legally Responsible Person (LPR) will be given crisis referral information-in both verbal and written format. Each client and/or their responsible person is provided the below listed numbers to call in the event of a crisis. All clients are notified that, in the event of a life-threatening medical or otherwise emergency, 911 should be contacted immediately. In the event of a mental health crisis, the client is encouraged to contact their assigned clinician who will conduct a screening to determine the appropriate course of action. Recommendations may include an immediate referral to the nearest hospital emergency department or local psychiatric facility for further evaluation. If a crisis situation or critical incident has occurred, it is the responsibility of the treating clinician to notify the practice owner and clinical supervisor via telephone, text, and/or email. When a clinician is out of town or otherwise unavailable to clients, it is the clinician’s responsibility to notify clients of the contact name and number for the covering clinician as discussed and arranged with the practice owner. It is the ethical responsibility of each contracted clinician to obtain continued education in crisis interventions and clinical supervision as deemed appropriate. Peak Professional Group, PLLC’s After-hours Emergency Line 919-412-5685Wake County Crisis Assessment Line 919-250-1260National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)Durham Center Access 919-560-7305Cardinal Innovations 1-800-939-5911I have read and understand the policy and procedures related to Crisis Coverage. I agree to adhere to the procedures outlined above.