All financial information reported in the member application is kept confidential within the association's Executive Committee. This information is used to verify financial integrity of the applicant and to ensure a fair and accurate dues structure.
Non-profit or for-profit minority owned or operated minority agency that provides child welfare, behavioral health, physical healthcare, juvenile justice, developmental disabilities or a related services via in-patient care, community based programs and/or out-of- home care. Full membership agencies shall be accredited by one of the following national accrediting bodies: COA, EAGLE, CQL, Joint Commission, or CARF.
An agency that provides the services of a full member minority agency but is not yet nationally accredited. Associate members must become accredited within 24 months of provisional membership. Agencies applying for Associate Membership must have applied with an approved accrediting body, paid the fee and submit proof of payment with their membership application. Upon completion of the accreditation, associate members shall automatically be deemed the rights of full membership.
Non-profit or for-profit agency that does not provide child welfare, behavioral health, physical healthcare, juvenile justice, developmental disabilities or a related services via inpatient care, community-based programs and/or out-of- home care. Member affiliates shall be selected in accordance with the bylaws. Member affiliates shall be organizations and individuals whose ideas and philosophies aligns with the mission and purpose of Resource Connection.
PLEASE NOTE: A minority business is defined as a for profit company that is at least 51% owned by an individual that is African American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American or an individual who self identifies as LGBTQIA. If the company is publicly-traded, then the stock must be at least 51% minority-owned as well. A minority business may also be defined as a non-profit business that is operated by a board with at least 51% of the members are African American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American or LGBTQIA.
As part of the membership process, the signature below indicates an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of association membership. The agency agrees to support the purposes, program and mission of the Resource Connections Provider Association, Inc.
Signature of Executive Director/CEO Date of Signature: