Physicians Collaborative Network ![]( logo cropped.62118d163d6873.21312943.png)
Do not select boxes below if you have specialists and do not need visiting specialists. We have a unique network of specialists, exclusive to FHP Geriatrics, who can bring care to where the patient lives, without the stress of transportation or sitting in a doctors office. In some cases the specialist may not be able to visit, but we can facilitate the appointment, within weeks rather than months.
Our specialists communicate with us and with each other to solve problems. This is uncommon in healthcare. They help provide more knowledge and more options. They are able to help prevent hospitalizations. They also understand when quality of life is preferred over a more aggressive approach. It may be helpful to have specialist input to reduce medications, or for more accurate prognosis.
Select any of our mobile specialists that may be needed now or in the near future. After we review, we will send the referral. From there, the specialist will call or the patient or family is responsible for calling the specialist office to confirm the appointment. Make sure to mention visiting service requested. Remember, each specialist is unique in their own workflow challenges, and ability to accommodate the unique solutions to providing visiting services. There will be times when waiting for a visit, a problem becomes more serious and more urgent, and the patient must be brought to their office, or to the hospital.
Please select boxes below if you would like to request a specialist.
Requests are reviewed and sent once per month. If it has been more than a month and you haven't heard from specialist, please notify us.