Dear MedSend Recipient:
Valeo is an independent group of licensed psychiatrists and counselors, which exclusively serves Christian global workers (
As a benefit to you, we at Valeo have been asked to provide our services in conjunction with your annual MedSend report for the purpose of assessing and - where appropriate - supporting you in your emotional, relational, and spiritual health toward contentment and faithfulness in life and work.
In evaluating for core psychiatric illnesses (depression, anxiety, trauma) that could impact your life and work, we utilize validated screening instruments (PHQ, GAD, PCL). But because we also seek to holistically consider your unique challenges, we ask a number of questions regarding your situation and social environment, your personal and medical history, your physical and psychological health, and your cross-cultural context and spiritual experience.
Valeo's participation is clinical, and thus our assessment and the information you share with us will not be shared with anyone else without your express written permission (usual confidentiality exceptions applying: imminent/significant threat of harm to self or others, as well as, abuse of children or elderly). Please also note, the electronic form utilized here meets or exceeds US health information security and confidentiality standards (HIPAA compliant).
We recognize that this assessment is lengthy, but please stick with us through it and attempt to answer each question since understanding your unique experience is indispensable to caring for your unique needs - and the aggregated data will be used to assess epidemiological characteristics as well as outcomes measures toward continuous quality improvement that we hope will progressively better meet the needs of medical global workers into the future.
1. This form can be saved so you can return to it later, if needed.
2. This form has three parts so you can tell where you are in the process.
Let's get started!