Struggle No More: A Counselor’s Ethical Connection in Counseling
The Sutherland Center, LLC is pleased to present our continuing education workshop. "Struggle No More: A Counselor’s Ethical Connection in Counseling" is interactive, conversational, and connecting. We know sometimes families struggle to connect. This workshop strengthens family connections. “Struggle No More: A Counselor’s Ethical Connection in Counseling,” has been approved by LPCA #2024-12-03-7126M for six ethics continuing education hours for APCs, LPCs, LCSWs, LMFTs, and other mental health professionals. This workshop is regularly reviewed, restructured, and revised. The standard of excellence is at the forefront of its design. The 2025 workshop dates are Saturday, June 7th, 2025, and Saturday, September 20th, 2025, from 9:00, am to 4:30 pm (virtually via TruCircle powered by Zoom.)
Workshop Description and Objectives:
According to American Counseling Association (ACA) guidelines, the Struggle No More workshop will explore the counseling connection by ethically enhancing the counselor/client relationship. This workshop will focus on improving connections, building counselors' confidence, building & enhancing family connections, increasing communication, developing solution-focused skills, making parental involvement more engaging, and reducing the stress that causes the therapy process to be challenging. Objectives: 1. Increasing the therapist's confidence/effectiveness ultimately strengthens the client's connection with the significant people in their lives. (A.1.d.) Support Network Involvement. 2. Enhancement of the therapeutic relationship, conveying the reality of therapy and how connection requires communication. (A.1.d.) Support Network Involvement 3. Develop the therapist's philosophy, assisting the therapist and the client to respond to therapy pressures. (C.2.g.) Impairment
Refund and Cancellation Policy
The Sutherland Center LLC does not offer refunds for missed workshops or cancellations. You may be offered opportunities to attend another workshop within the year of the date you were originally scheduled to attend. No refunds will be issued. Substitutions are encouraged and permitted (all substitutions arrangements must be made no later than five days from the cancellation date via email). Refunds will not be provided for registrants who do not attend the workshop. The Sutherland Center, LLC will not be responsible for any change/cancellation charges assessed by airlines, hotels, or travel agencies. Note that circumstances beyond the control of The Sutherland Center, LLC may necessitate substitutions, alterations, or cancellations of the workshop. The Sutherland Center, LLC offers non-tangible irrevocable services; we do not issue refunds once the services have been rendered. The “All or Nothing Rule” LPCAGA approves professional workshops as required by and according to current Georgia Composite Board rules. The “All or Nothing Rule” states that a workshop participant must attend the workshop in its entirety to receive any CE credit. No partial CE credit may be given for attending part of a workshop or less than all scheduled days if continued over more than one day. Short absences that are required by a participant’s professional or personal urgent situation may be approved by the workshop provider or monitor. The participant must return to the workshop without delay. Abuse of this consideration is grounds for denial of the CE certificate. Arriving late or leaving early is not an acceptable excuse by current standards.
Name as you want it to appear on the certificate.
Dr. Al Sutherland, Jr.
Phone Number
Workshop Date
Please Select
Saturday, June 7th, 2025
Saturday, September 20th, 2025
License Type / License Number
LPC 191914
How did you learn about this workshop?
The Counseling Brothers of Atlanta
Your signature indicates that you have read, understand, and accept the information.
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