Vitamins are vital for our body’s normal function, general well-being and, vitality. Vitamin injections can supply the much-needed nutrients your body needs to maintain and enhance normal bodily functions.
Vitamin injections are better absorbed by the body since they go directly into the blood stream. Alternatives to these injections are oral vitamins, liquid drinks, topical creams and mouth sprays.
Vitamin injection common side effects include but are not limited to:
· Feeling of pain and a warm sensation at the site of injection
· Redness or swelling at injection site
If any of these side effects become severe or bothersome, I will contact my primary care physician.
I understand that although rare Vitamin injections can result in serious side effects including allergic reaction to any of the ingredients found in the injection. I will communicate with my health care provider if I have any known allergic reactions to foods, dyes, preservatives or any other substances before I consent to injection.
If I experience any of the following signs of allergic reaction, I should immediately seek medical attention from my primary care physician or nearest emergency room. Signs of allergic reaction include, but are not limited to:
· Itching of skin
· Hives
· Rashes
· Wheezing
· Difficulty breathing
· Swelling of the mouth or throat
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing informed consent and agree to the treatment with its associated risks. I hereby release the medical providers and the facility from liability associated with this procedure.
This consent authorization shall expire one year from date of service.