7. In order to provide the most secure HIPAA-compliant service possible, TeleMeMD requests that I use the OnPatient Portal for all communication or accept a Telehealth invitation directly from the practice.
8. Alternative interactive video platforms such as Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or a similar services may not provide secure HIPAA-compliant services. I willingly and knowingly consent to use these alternative platforms only if there are technical issues using the preferred platforms mentioned in item #7.
9. I understand that I must take reasonable steps to protect myself from unauthorized use of my electronic communications by others.
10. The healthcare provider is not responsible for breaches of confidentiality caused by an independent third party or by me.
11. I agree that I have verified to my healthcare provider my identity and current location in connection with the Telehealth services. I acknowledge that failure to comply with these procedures may terminate the Telehealth visit.
12. I understand that I have a responsibility to verify the identity and credentials of the healthcare provider rendering my care via Telehealth and to confirm that he or she is my healthcare provider.
13. I understand that electronic communication cannot be used for emergencies or time- sensitive matters.
14. I understand and agree that a medical evaluation via Telehealth may limit my healthcare provider’s ability to fully diagnose a condition or disease. As the patient, I agree to accept responsibility for following my healthcare provider’s recommendations—including further diagnostic testing, such as lab testing, radiographic testing, a biopsy, a house call or even a request from the provider to seek alternate care.
15. I understand that electronic communication may be used to communicate highly sensitive medical information, such as treatment for or information related to HIV/ AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, or addiction treatment (alcohol, drug dependence, etc.)
16. I understand that my healthcare provider may choose to forward my information to an authorized third party. Therefore, I have informed the healthcare provider of any information I do not wish to be transmitted through electronic communications.
17. By signing below, I understand the inherent risks of errors or deficiencies in the electronic transmission of health information and images during a Telehealth visit.
18. I understand that there is never a warranty or guarantee as to a particular result or outcome related to a condition or diagnosis when medical care is provided.