Information Technology Privileges Form
This form is to be completed by supervisors for new hires or employees whose positions or duties have changed. If you have any questions, please email Please Note: New employees are automatically assigned an email address. New faculty and adjunct faculty are automatically added to Canvas when assigned to a course by the academic unit or Registrar's Office.
Employee Name
First Name
Last Name
Employee Position
Office Location (if applicable)
Start Date
Supervisor Name
First Name
Last Name
Supervisor Title
Supervisor Email
Is this a new position?
Previous employee name
First Name
Last Name
Please list any equipment needed. (phone, computer, etc.)
Account Setup for (check systems that apply to this position, but don't just check everything).
Slate (admissions/recruiting software)
OnBase (document management software)
Ellucian Colleague (student information system)
Navigate (advising/retention software)
EvaluationKit (course evaluation administrator access)
Slate- What role and department is requested for Slate?
Ellucian Colleague Access- Training is required before access to Colleague is granted. Please list the level of security needed. If you are unsure, email
Navigate Access- What role is requested for Navigate?
EvaluationKit-List subjects for administrator access.
List any department file shares or SharePoint sites required for this position.
List any email accounts or Office 365 calendars required for this position.
Building access beyond normal hours
Please Select
Athletics Facilities
Anatomy Lab
Residence Halls
Are there any other items needed not listed above?
Should be Empty: