At times it becomes necessary to use FCA school bus or private vehicles to transport students to and from Family Christian Academy activities. When this occurs, Family Christian Academy requires that the parent/guardian sign the FCA Transportation Permission Form.
My student may be transported for, but not limited to, the following activities: transportation to the community center, park, nursing home, library, etc.
My student may be transported via FCA school bus or private transportation vehicle via a staff member or parent-led carpool.
My student may walk with the rest of his/her class and teacher(s) a few blocks to the Old Hickory Community Center Park on warm days for lunch and recess while being in the constant care of FCA staff. I understand that care will be taken to use sidewalks where provided and stay within the fenced area while at the park. I understand that students will be supervised at all times.
By signing this form, I hereby release/allow Family Christian Academy, as well as its directors, officers, administrators, employees, or other agents from all liability or damages for any, and all injuries arising from the negligence of any of the above while traveling to this activity.