As a representative of All Things Possible Medical Fundraising, (ATP) I agree to abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the organization while involved with ATP related activities or events. These include (but are not limited to); treating all people equally and with respect; conducting myself in a professional manner; no use of foul language; no use of alcohol or illegal/mind altering drugs. I will exhibit kindness; consideration; empathy and trustworthiness. I understand that while volunteering with ATP I am representing an organization who attempts to honor God and serve others with excellence in all of our activities and events.
I understand that as a volunteer, I will receive no monetary benefits in return for my service. (If this is a paid position, the agreed upon and documented rate is in effect). I further acknowledge that ATP may terminate this agreement at any time without prior notice for any reason. I hereby authorize ATP to check my references and I understand that a criminal background check may be required.
I certify that my answers on this application are true and complete and that I have not knowingly withheld any information that might, if disclosed, affect my application unfavorably. I understand that misrepresentation or omission of facts on this application could be cause for rejection of this application or dismissal. I also agree not to divulge any personal information regarding our applicants or recipients.
I hereby Release and Waive liability against All Things Possible Medical Fundraising, a non-profit corporation, its directors, officers, employees, agents and its successors and assigns, for any injuries or illness that I may suffer in connection with any volunteer work for ATP. Further, I agree that ATP is not liable for any damage to my property resulting from my volunteer work for ATP. I agree that this release is as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of South Carolina.