Please note the minimum and maximum participant limits per program. These limits are in place to ensure your students have the best possible interactive experience and for safety considerations. If your group is larger than the maximum number of participants, please contact the office.
Colonial Experience
*Minimum Number of Participants: 20
Maximum Number of Participants: 160
Mini Colonial Experience
*Minimum Number of Participants: 20
Maximum Number of Participants: 90
Trio Sampler
*Minimum Number of Participants: 18
Maximum Number of Participants: 30
Quad Sampler
*Minimum Number of Participants: 18
Maximum Number of Participants: 40
Little Farmers
*Minimum Number of Participants: 10
Maximum Number of Participants: 45
*A Note on Group Minimums: Groups not meeting the minimum number of participants may pay the cost equivalent of the minimum. For example, for the Colonial Experience, the minimum charge would be $360, etc.