Possible side effects and/or complications of Sclerotherapy:
The most common side effects experienced with Sclerotherapy include:
1. Hyperpigmentation - In most patients, the treated veins become darker immediately after the treatment. This usually fades in 2-4 weeks; however, in rare cases it can persist up to 12 months or can be permanent.
2. Matting - This refers to the development of new tiny veins in the treated area, which forms a "mat" of redness. It may occur 2-4 weeks after the treatment and usually fades with 4-6 months. It occurs in up to 18% of women receiving estrogen therapy and in 2-4% of all patients.
3. Trapped blood - occasionally the closing ofthe vein is slow to occur and a small pocket of blood remains as a dark blue clot. This can be removed with a small needle puncture within 2-4 weeks after treatment. This is NOT a dangerous form of clotting.
4. Ulceration - In less then 1% of patients receiving Sclcrotherapy, a small blister may form at the injection site, open and become ulcerated. Should this occur it usually heals within 8 weeks and the scar eventually returns to normal skin color.
5. Allergic reaction - Allergic reaction to the sclerosants is very rare; such reactions would be mile in the form of skin reaction of hives. Out office policy is equipped with medications that can be used in case of allergic reaction.
6. Itching - Mild itching or tingling may occur along the treated vein for up to 2 hours after the treatment and may persist a day or so.
7. Bruising - At the injection sight is very common, but usually disappears by 4 weeks.
8. Pain - An extremely small needle is used for injections into the vein and very little discomfort is associated with the actual injection site. Mild burning or tingling may be experienced immediately following the injections, but usually dissipate when hose are applied and walking resumes.
9. Phlebitis - In less then 0.1% of patients, swelling of the vein with pain may occur and may cause the ankles to swell. This is not dangerous and usually subsides in a few days.