Circle of Care, St. Louis collaborates with other organizations throughout the Sr. Louis area to bring seniors and adults with disabilities served the greatest number of resources available. It is necessary to share client information from time to time to accomplish this task properly and we need your permission to do so. This information is never sold to marketers or others but is only used on your behalf.
Information to Be Released: All records and information concerning my care and services that I have received and will receive from the releasing organizations, including alcohol or drug abuse treatment records (if any exist).
For the Purpose of: (a) providing coordinated housing, medical, social, psychological and other services to me, (b) evaluating the outcomes related to service delivery, and (c) to improve coordination of services to assist individuals and (d) to identify barriers and service gaps that block the path out of homelessness, and to help prevent homelessness. In the event of the publication of the results of the program, my identity will be kept confidential, although information about my circumstances may be discussed.
Not a Condition for Treatment: I understand that my authorization is voluntary and that I may refuse to sign this authorization. My refusal to sign will not affect my eligibility for benefits or services, payment for or coverage of services, or ability to obtain treatment.
Right to Revoke: This authorization is subject to revocation at any time except to the extent that the agencies which are to make the disclosures have already taken action in reliance on this authorization. If not previously revoked, this consent will terminate at the end of our assistance.
Potential Re-disclosure: I understand that information that I authorize to be disclosed may be re-disclosed and not subject to medical privacy regulations. However, federal confidentiality rules (42 CFR, part 2) prohibit recipients from making any further disclosure of alcohol and substance abuse records unless further disclosure is expressly permitted by written consent of the person to whom they pertain or if disclosure is otherwise permitted by 42 CFR, part 2. The Federal rules restrict any use of the information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse client.
I authorize Circle of Care, St. Louis to share information regarding emergency assistance resources, funded by grants, county, state and federal government, community assistance programs and private donations. These programs are designed to help stabilize seniors and adults with disabilities who are in crisis. This authorization is designed to permit organizations to share client information in order to collaborate on services and promote stability.