Base Camp Summer Staff Application
Summer 2025
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Phone Number: Best one to contact you
Area Code
Phone Number
Current Age & Date of Birth
Which weeks are you available to work?
Week 1 (June 30 - July 3)
Week 2 (July 7 - 11)
Week 3 (July 14 - 18)
Week 4 (July 21 - 25)
Week 5 (July 28 - August 1)
Week 6 (August 4 - 8)
Week 7 (August 11 - 15)
Week 8 (August 8 - 22)
Are you interested in/available for before-camp or after-camp care?
before care 7:45 am - 9 am
after care 4 pm - 6pm
not interested
Are you currently a member of the BSA
If yes, What unit and town and what position
Personal References* (required for first time staff only) No relatives.
Reference #1 Name, Address, Phone, & Email
Reference #2 Name, Address, Phone, & Email
Reference #3 Name, Address, Phone, & Email
Personal Profile
Are you eligible to work in the United States of America?
Do you have previous Summer Camp Staff Experience:
Yes-with the SOA or other BSA camps
Yes - with non-BSA camps
Previous work/volunteer history last five years
Which roles do you think you're best suited for and /or would prefer?
Den Leader
Aquatics *must be 18+
Sports (soccer, kickball, ect)
Pioneering (knot-tying, fire-building)
Shooting sports (archery/BB) * must be 18+
Makerspace (arts & crafts)
T - Shirt Size
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult Extra Large
Adult XX Large
Have you ever been arrested for a criminal offense?
Have you ever been convicted or plead guilty to a crime?
Have you ever been arrested for sexual misconduct?
Have you ever been convicted of or plead guilty to sexual misconduct?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, please explain:
All employees will be required to provide proof of identityand either U.S. Citizenship or evidence that they have a legal right to work inthe U.S. either permanently or are working under temporary visa. All employeesunder age 16 need to obtain working papers in the state of the camp they areemployed at. Applicants are not required to give any information prohibited byFederal, State or Local Law. This application will be given everyconsideration, but its receipt does not imply that the applicant will be an employee.Applicants are accepted for employment on a trial basis with a probationaryperiod and if, in our judgement, it is found during this period that theemployee is not adapted to the work assigned, or that information has beenmisrepresented, the employment may be terminated without reason. In connectionwith this application, an investigation may be made requesting information asto your character and general reputation. Information as to the nature andscope of any investigation requested will be furnished to you upon writtenrequest. Applicants certify that the answers given herein are true and completeto the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentations omissionsof facts or incomplete answers in any application document may disqualify mefrom further consideration for employment. I further understand that, ifemployee, any misrepresentations, or omission of facts in any applicationdocumentation may be cause for my dismissal at any time without prior notice. Iconsent to and authorize the Spirit of Adventure Council to contact my references,and all other persons and organizations for information bearing upon myqualifications for employment.
Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Base Camp Team!
By submitting this form you give us permission to contact your references and begin the screening process.
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