Positioning in Bed or Chair: Turning side to side, changing position while in bed or chair. Transferring: Moving in and out of bed; on/off chair, sofa, etc. (Exclude to/from bath/toilet) Locomotion/Ambulation (in home): Walking/wheeling in the home (if in wheelchair, self-sufficiency once in chair Locomotion/Ambulation (outside): Moving about outside the home (if in wheelchair, self-sufficiency once in chair Dressing upper body: Street clothes on/off from waist up. Includes prostheses and orthotics. Dressing lower body: Street clothes on/off from waist down. Includes prostheses and orthotics.
Eating: Taking in food by any method, including tube feeding. Bathing: Full body bath/shower or sponge bath (does not include washing of back & hair Personal Hygiene: Shampooing, combing hair, brushing teeth/dentures, shaving, applying makeup, washing & drying of face & hands, washing feet (EXCLUDES bath & showers) Toileting: using toilet, commode, bedpan/urinal, transferring on/off toilet, cleaning self after toilet use, incontinence care, changing pad, managing any special devices required (ostomy or catheter), and adjusting clothes.