Florida law (Section 817.5655, Florida Statutes) prohibits the sale or transfer of a person’s biological specimen from which DNA can be extracted to a third party without the express consent of such person.
During the course of your care at Grace Medical Home, it may be medically necessary to obtain a blood, urine, stool, tissue or other type of biological specimen for analysis. This analysis will not involve the examination of your DNA to identify the presence and composition of genes in your body. After the analysis has been performed and the sample is no longer needed, it will be stored as medical waste and then transferred to a third party for disposal in accordance with all local, state and federal requirements.
It may also be the case that a biological specimen (such as blood, urine, hair, bodily fluids, etc.) from you may be deposited on medical instruments, bedding, clothing or other objects. These objects may then be transferred to a third party for cleaning or disposal.
By signing this document, you affirmatively state that it is your intentional decision to consent to the transfer of any and all biological specimens collected by or deposited with Grace Medical Home to a third party as set forth above. This consent does not authorize the sale or transfer of a biological specimen for the purpose of DNA analysis.