10.I agree to bring my bottle of Buprenorphine/naloxone in with me for every appointment with my doctor so that remaining supplies can be counted.
11.I agree to take my Buprenorphine/naloxone as prescribed, to not skip doses, and that I will not adjust the dose without talking with my doctor about this so that changes in orders can be properly communicated by to my pharmacy.
12.I agree that I will not drive a motor vehicle or use power tools or other dangerous machinery during my first days of taking Buprenorphine/naloxone, to make sure that I can tolerate taking it without becoming sleepy or clumsy as
13.I agree that I will arrange transportation to and from the treatment facility during my first days of taking Buprenorphine/naloxone so that I do not have to drive myself to and from the clinic or hospital
14.I want to be in recovery from addiction to all drugs, and I have been informed that any active addiction to other drugs besides heroin and other opiates must
be treated by counseling and other methods. I have been informed that buprenorphine, as found in Buprenorphine/naloxone, is a treatment designed to treat opiate dependence, not addiction to other classes of drugs.
15.I agree that medication management of addiction with buprenorphine, as found in Buprenorphine/naloxone, is only one part of the treatment of my addiction, and I agree to participate in a regular program of professional counseling while being treated with Buprenorphine/naloxone.
16.I agree that professional counseling for addiction has the best results when patients also are open to support from peers who are also pursuing recovery.
17.I agree to participate in a regular program of peer/self-help while being treated with Buprenorphine/naloxone.
18.I agree that the support of loved ones is an important part of recovery, and I
agree to invite significant persons in my life to participate in my treatment
19.I agree that a network of support, and communication among persons in that network, is an important part of my recovery. I will be asked for my authorization, to allow telephone, email, or face-to-face contact, as appropriate, between my treatment team, and outside parties, including physicians, therapists, probation and parole officers, and other parties, when the staff has
decided that open communication about my case, on my behalf, is necessary.