Dear International Healthcare Practitioner,
College Pharmacy is one of the few compounding pharmacies able to work directly with healthcare practitioners and patients throughout the world. From Egypt to Ireland, and Brazil to New Zealand, we are honored to offer services that know no global boundaries.
Working directly with International healthcare practitioners for over a decade has allowed us to gain valuable experience in the compounding and delivery of sensitive formulations.
Our pharmacists, customer service representatives, and shipping specialists are experienced in the nuances of international shipping practices and help customers navigate changing international practices and procedures.
Before we can begin filling prescriptions there are a few things we need:
1. Copy of your medical license: translated into English if it is not already.
2. Patient specific prescriptions require a date of birth, patient allergies, and specific directions for use. All prescriptions must be signed. Electronic signatures are accepted.
3. “Office Use” orders require the signature of the practitioner. Electronic signatures are accepted.
4. Billing and Payment Information: see attached form for details.
5. Copy of our international shipping disclaimer and acknowledgement of our return policy signed and returned to College Pharmacy: see attached for details.
6. Please visit the following website for any special rules and requirements of the destination country:
Please let us know if you have any questions about setting up your account with College Pharmacy. We will be happy to assist you.
The College Pharmacy Staff