In presenting my son/daughter for diagnosis and treatment at CNY Family care
Parent/Guardian Name: __{parentguardianName} ({youAre})__ for my child __{childsName} ({childIs})__ with a date of birth of __{childsDOB}__, hereby voluntarily consent to the rendering of such care, including diagnostic procedures, surgical and medical treatment, by authorized members of CNY Family Care staff or their designees, as may in their professional judgement be necessary.
I hereby acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me as to the effect of such examination or treatment on my child's condition. I have read this and certify that I understand its contents.
We/I hereby give consent to __{nameOf}__
who will be caring for our (my child) __{childsName}__
This consent shall remain in effect from __{startDate}__ until __{endDate}__, unless sooner revoked in writing and delivered to said physician or dentist or said persons entrusted with the care of said minor child.
We/I acknowledge that we are (I am as the parent/guardian) responsible for all reasonable charges in connection with the care and treatment rendered to my child during this period.