Mission Statement
Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. advocate for the civil rights of individuals with disabilities in Dutchess County and empower them to lead self-directed lives with independence and dignity.
TRI’s Vision Statement
We believe in a society where individuals with disabilities are able to experience full inclusion to participate in all aspects of community life and have equal access to the same opportunities and freedom as the general public.
TRI provides services to you with no charge. In order to obtain outside funding, however, we need to keep records on those we serve. We ask that you take a few minutes to read this information sheet and complete the intake form.
1. Independent Living Philosophy – At Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc. you are neither a “patient” nor a “client”, but a “consumer” of services. YOU determine the services you want, YOU decide what is best for you, YOU are in control. TRI’s staff will provide you with any information and referral so that YOU can make choices about your living arrangements, transportation, employment, etc. We are committed to your efforts to achieve greater independence in the community.
2. A Consumer Service Record (CSR) Form - This is the information our funding sources ask us to collect on all of our consumers.
3. CONFIDENTIALITY - It is our policy to protect your rights as a consumer seeking services by maintaining confidentiality regarding any of your personal information, records kept, and services provided. Center staff will refrain from discussing your issues with anyone who is not a TRI staff member or releasing your information that may be requested by third parties, without your written permission.
4. The Consent to Release/Receive Information Form - This form authorizes us to request/release/receive information from various facilities and agencies and/or individuals on your behalf.
5. INDEPENDENT LIVING PLAN - We are available to assist you in developing a personal plan to achieve independent living goals - goals which you feel would help you to lead a more independent life in the community. This plan will let you know what role we can play and what you may need to do in order to meet the goals. This plan is not a requirement for receiving any services at the center. This is a personal plan to help you achieve independent living goals. It is your option to develop one or not. It can act as of "road map" to help you lead a more independent life in the community.
6. A Voter Application - Please speak to your advocate if you are not registered and would like to register, or if you need any information about polling sites. If you are not registered to vote where you live now, would you like to apply to register here today?
7. CONSUMER APPEALS PROCESS - It is our sincere hope that our services are always delivered in the most professional manner. However, if the service delivery or interactions with staff are not satisfactory to you, we want you to know that you have the right to discuss the issue with representatives who have progressively higher levels of organizational responsibility. You may first ask to speak to a supervisor and then the Executive Director. The office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES) is also available to consider complaints by calling 518-486-3777 or by writing to Joseph Tedesco, NYS Education Department Phone# 518-408-4850, Joseph.Tedesco@nysed.gov , ACCES-VR/Service Delivery, 89 Washington Avenue, 5th Floor, Room 580 EBA, Albany, NY 12234, or sending an email Joseph.Tedesco@nysed.gov. You may also use the Client Assistance Program staff (see below).
8. CLIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - The Client Assistance Program (CAP) is responsible for assisting individuals with all disabilities who are receiving or requesting rehabilitation or other services to secure the benefits and programs available under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. You have the right to speak, at any time, with the Statewide Client Assistance Program Coordinator by calling (800) 993-8982 (Voice/TYY) or (518) 432-7861 or E-mail: mail@disabilityadvocates.org or writing to: Disability Rights New York/Disability Advocates, Inc. 725 Broadway, Suite 450 Albany, NY 12207.