The following ¡s a sample of the Dental Board of California Dental Materials Fact Sheet. The Depa-frnenf of Consumer Affairs has no position with respect to the language of this document and it’s linkage to the DCA web site does not constitute an endorsement of the content of this document.
The Dental Board of California
Dental Materials Fact Sheet
Adopted on 10/17/01
As required by Chapter 801, Statutes of 1992, the Dental Board of California has prepared this fact sheet to summarize information on the most frequently used restorative dental materials. Information on this fact sheet ¡s intended to encourage discussion between the patient and dentist regarding the selection of dental materials best suited forme patient’s dental needs. IT is not intended to be a complete guided to dentol materials science.
The most frequently used materials in restorative dentistry are amalgam, composite resin, glass ionomer cement, resin ionomer cement, ceramic porcelain, and porcelain fused to metal, gold alloys (noble) and nicket or cobalt-chrome (base metal) alloys. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, benefits and risks. These and other relevant factors and compared in the attached matrix titled “Comparisons of Restorative Dental Materials.” A glossary of terms is also attached to assist the reader in understanding the terms used.
The statements made are supported by relevant, credible dental research published mainly between 1993 and 2001. In some cases, where contemporary research is spare, we have indicated our best perceptions based upon information that pre-dates 1993.
The reader should be aware that the outcome of dental treatment or durability of a restoration is not solely a function of the material from which the restoration was made. The durability of any restoration is influenced by the dentist’s technique when placing the restoration, the ancillary Materials used in the procedure and the patient’s co-operation during the procedure. Following restoration of the teeth, the longevity of the work will be strongly influenced by the patient’s compliance.