Please check the box that Best describes the frequency with which you perform the following behaviors. If you are unable to comment because you have not experienced a particular situation, please draw an X through that item's number. Write any comments at the end of each section.
Please answer all of the statements. Use the following key to mark your responses:
Almost Never: When presented with the opportunity, you must almost never respond in this manner (about 5% or less of the time).
Seldom: When presented with the opportunity, you seldom respond in this manner (about 25% of the time).
Occasionally: When presented with the opportunity, you occasionally respond in this manner (about 50% of the time).
Frequently: When presented with the opportunity, you frequently respond in this manner (about 75% of the time).
Almost Always: When presented with the opportunity, you almost always respond in this manner (about 95% of the time).