Reiki Service Informed Consent
Please read the following explanation of Reiki and sign the form before the session:
Reiki is a Japanese word that means universal energy. Reiki is increasingly recognized in the West as a beneficial adjunct to allopathic medicine.
Reiki is believed to enhance the body’s ability to heal itself. Additionally, Reiki and other forms of energy work have much to offer in the way of increasing wellbeing and resilience. It is stress reducing, balancing and relaxing.
Like meditation, Reiki treatments have a cumulative benefit. They are supportive of well-being in every way. While Reiki supports wellness for the physical, emotional and mental body, it is not a “magic cure” and is no replacement for licensed medical treatment.
Reiki is delivered while the client is either seated in a chair or lying supine. It is not a form of massage and the client remains fully clothed.
Ashley combines her clinical expertise, spriritual gifts, energetic healing, light codes, hypnosis and much more to clear and reprogram your quantum field. Ashley removes outdated codes, activates latent spiritual gifts, and reprograms clients into alignment with their highest reality and soul expression. Services will vary and may include any of the above.
I understand that Reiki is a relaxation and stress reduction technique. Reiki practitioners do not diagnose or prescribe substances, nor interfere with treatment of a licensed medical professional. Reiki practitioners are not currently licensed in the US. I understand that Ashley Gilbert is not a licensed physician, and that Reiki is complementary to and separate from medical services licensed by the state.
I also understand that Reiki is an energy healing methodology that includes the laying on of hands to a person who remains fully clothed. There will be no touch of breasts, genitals or buttocks.
I understand that Reiki is being provided by Ashley Gilbert at my request. I agree to hold Ashley Gilbert harmless and understand that she is not responsible for the outcome of the session.
I understand that Reiki is not covered by insurance and will not be submitted to insurance. Prices and session times vary by person. Payment is due at time of service by credit card, Venmo (@Ashley-Gilbert-110) or PayPal (@AshleyJachim).
I hereby acknowledge and affirm understanding and agreement with the above. I understand that by entering my name, the date and my electronic signature on this form that this constitutes a legal signature.