DV Treatment Plan Review #1
First Name
Last Name
1. What are your personal treatment goals?
2. How did your actions impact others related with the offense and similar behaviors leading up to it?
3. What patterns and behaviors are you taking accountability/responsibility for leading up your arrest (describe specific behaviors)?
4. What have you learned about your behaviors as it relates to the offense? What are your attitudes and thoughts about your behavior now compared to when you started therapy?
5. What changes do you need to continue to make when you feel frustrated and/or upset?
6. How are you establishing and respecting boundaries in your relationships?
7. How has alcohol/drug use impacted your relationships? What steps are you taking to address these issues?
8. How do you plan on addressing unhealthy patterns of behaviors from being passed down to children? (COMPLETE ONLY IF CHILDREN WERE INVOLVED, PUT N/A IF NOT APPLICABLE)
9. What forms of abuse that you committed were present during the incident and/or at previous times in your relationship(s)?
Therapist Comments (for NIC therapist to complete):
Should be Empty: