This is a self-assessment tool to determine your readiness to begin Phase 2: Advanced Skills.
You may use this assessment as many times as you would like while practicing Phase 1 skills. There is a notes field at the end of each section so that you may list training goals for yourself.
The results of this assessment will be sent to your email address. Good Human will be alerted to the submission.
All items within the Handler Discussion, Skills, and Temperament Checkpoint sections must be reviewed with your trainer to complete Foundation Skills before moving to Advanced Skills. You may schedule an in-person lesson to review the assessment or send videos to your trainer for review. Video Guidelines are in the course content.
The assessment should occur in a mildly distracting environment, such as a familiar group class, an outdoor setting, or a dog-friendly establishment.
The handler may cue their dog up to three (3) times per skill.
Each skill may take up to two (2) minutes.
e.g., you may give the cue, and if your dog does not respond, you may reset them before cueing the behavior again.
Cues should be timed so that there are no additional distraction elements.
e.g., if another dog is barking at your dog or a person is walking by within four (4) feet, hold off on giving the cue.
If you have already taught your dog a different name than the cue listed below, the equivalent cue may be used if it will not confuse your dog later in the training process.
Behaviors may be rewarded with treats, but treats may not be used in luring and should remain in a pouch or pocket.
If up to three (3) items do not meet the criteria initially, it may be necessary to continue training for those particular skills.